Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Trading PCB for ASB

Alternative Spring Break (ASB) is a campus organization that sends groups of about twelve students on trips around the United States during the week of spring break to volunteer at various locations in need. This year, several Kappas made it through the application process and gave up beaches and bikinis for some serious volunteering time. Jory M., a junior, made her way to Chicago with fellow Mizzou students to work with children and adults with disabilities. She served at Western DePage Special Recreation Association while also traveling to group homes through Aspire, an organization in the Chicago area devoted to the success of children and adults with disabilities and their families. Jory recounted, "My favorite experience was being able to build relationships with people who were nonverbal. Learning how to communicate with them was a learning experience that I will never forget and it taught me to have more patience with people." ASB not only addresses disability issues, but also the degradation of the environment, urban poverty and education. It is a great way for Mizzou students to give back all over the country, and it is a rewarding experience for both those volunteering and in need! Visit their website to learn more!

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