The Kappa of the Week is Molly L. Molly is a sophomore and a member of the 2010 Pledge Class. Molly is Kappa of the Week because, she went above and beyond on her Homecoming duties. Although she was not a liaison, she dedicated much of her time to ensuring the success of Kappa's Homecoming pairing. Molly painted and designed props, pomped for campus decorations and helped construct our float. Molly's help and dedication to Homecoming proved to be a needed asset this year! Thank you so much, Molly!

Name: MollyBirthday: August 29, 1992Eye Color: Hazel/GreenHair Color:BrownHeight: 5’6Favorite Color: Blue!Favorite Food: DINO NUGSFavorite Movie: The GooniesFavorite Sport/Hobby: Water Polo/ College Football and BasketballMajor: JournalismFavorite Quote: “There is no reason not to follow your heart …. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”

What has been your most rewarding part of your college experience thus far?Joining Kappa and getting involved. I have met friends that will last me a lifetime!
What are you TOP THREE favorite things about Kappa Kappa Gamma?-Living in the house, being able to hang out with any of my sisters at anytime is awesome-Rallying. It is something that truly sets us apart from all other houses and gets us ready to go to any event!-Kappa lunch, it’s not the food but spending that time everyday with kappa’s of all ages just goofing around and seeing who can make each other laugh the hardest can change any bad day.

Describe yourself in three words. Why did you choose these words?Goofy, loyal, and relaxed
What is a goal that you would like to achieve for this school year?Get an internship for the summer and get more involved on campus
How did you play an active role in Kappa's Homecoming this year?I helped out with props and house decs.
What is your favorite thing about Mizzou Homecoming?
Definitely fling. I love how everyone packs into Jesse and gets to laugh all night.
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