The Kappa of the Week is Auburn B.! Auburn is a member of the pledge class of 2011 and a freshman Kappa Kappa Gamma. Auburn was nominated due to jump start into being a Kappa leader for her pledge class. During Dad's Weekend and the Kappa Klassic, Auburn volunteered much of her time to assisting Chapter Council officers in helping both of these events run smoothly. She was an unbelievaly helpful asset for this weekend. Thank you so much for your help, Auburn!
Name: Auburn
Birthday: November 11, 1992
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brunnette
Height: 5' 0"
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Movie: Legally Blonde or Titanic
Favorite Sport/Hobby: Sewing
Major: Journalism with a minor in Textile and Apparel Management
Favorite Quote: "Don't wonder why people go crazy, wonder why they don't." ~Grey's Anatomy

What has been your most rewarding part of your college experience thus far?
Being in Kappa and meeting some of the most amazing girls.
What are you TOP THREE favorite things about Kappa Kappa Gamma?
The sisterhood, The craziness, and How openly wired we all are
Describe yourself in three words. Why did you choose these words?
Short, Bubbly, and Caring. Everyone remembers me for how short I am and I love it. I have a very bubbly personality and I would do anything for anyone because I care so much about my friends and family.
What is a goal that you would like to achieve for this school year?
I'd like to be as involved in greek life as I can be as a freshman

How do you plan to get even more involved in Kappa?
I plan on trying to be on CC eventually and continuing to help out in any way that I can be useful or I am needed.

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