Lisa is a junior Kappa Kappa Gamma and a member of the 2009 pledge class. During Recruitment of 2011, Lisa acted as a key assistant to both Recruitment and Membership Chairmen. She was consistently helpful, organized and ready to recruit an incredible Kappa pledge class. When nominated for Kappa of the Week, many referred to Lisa as the "superstar" of Recruitment. Thank you so much for all of your hard work. We couldn't have done Recruitment without you, Lisa!
Name: Lisa Davidson
Birthday: October 6
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color:Brown
Height: 5'4"
Favorite Color: Blue..of course!
Favorite Food: Cashew Chicken!
Favorite Movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Sport/Hobby: I love watching baseball and football. I also read alot.
Major: English, History Minor
Favorite Quote: To each her own.

What has been your most rewarding part of your college experience thus far?
I have made life long friends while having the time of my life. What more could a girl want??

What are you TOP THREE favorite things about Kappa Kappa Gamma?
1.) Each member is so unique that everyone gets along because it's hard to group us.
2.) Kappa is not only great at the University of Missouri but everywhere! We are great nationally.
3.) Kappa is forever. After graduation, the fraternity wants you to stay involved and connected to one another. This is not a four year program.

Describe yourself in three words. Why did you choose these words?
Loyal, Sentimental, Logical. These words describe different sides of me.
What is a goal that you would like to achieve for this school year?
Within Kappa, I really want to stay involved even though I do not live in house. It's easy to fade back and let others do things when you aren't around all the time; however, I still want to do my part and more.

What was the most rewarding part of Recruitment 2011? What made this years Recruitment really stand out?
The most rewarding part of Recruitment was sitting back on Bid Day and seeing all the happy faces scattered in the dining room. It was so good to just see the new members excited to be Kappas. That's a goal for any chapter, to recruit girls who love us as much as we love them. What really stood out in this year's recruitment was definitely our leadership. Lauren and Erin led the chapter efficiently through any obstacles without causing panic. Not to mention, we have the best president and advisors possible. The room chairs,computer girls and RBSC also need a big thanks for all they put into Recruitment. Anyone involved in recruitment really made it successful.
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