Every fall, Kappa Kappa Gamma headquarters hosts the Leadership Academy for the national sophomore pledge class and every chapter sends one representative to Kappa headquarters in Columbus, Ohio. Here's an account of Theta chapter's representative's trip::
"The Leadership Academy is a four day retreat where I got to meet actives and alumni from each chapter in the nation. During the day, we learned about leadership from lessons, activities and lectures. All the topics came from the five steps of leadership according to the book The Leadership Challenge. The steps are, 1. Model the way, 2. Inspire a shared vision, 3. Challenge the process, 4. Enable others to act, and 5. Encourage the heart.
During the nights we talked, sang Kappa songs by a campfire and exchanged tshirts. The last day a small group of us were chosen to go to Kappa Headquarters in Columbus and I toured the Kappa museum and learned a lot of Kappa history (I got to see one of the founder's college diplomas, and another founder's pin!). This whole experience taught me a lot about Kappa, and allowed me to see the broader picture of how big our sisterhood is, and gave me more respect for my letters as well as the Theta Chapter!"
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